Friday, March 22, 2013

Please, just one more bite

In this conservative political cartoon, by Ken Catalino, depicts how obese the Federal Debt has become. In this cartoon, there's an extremely huge man with "DEBT" written on him, and Obama acting as a server and saying, "Please, Just one after dinner mint." while extending a huge block with "OBAMACARE" written on it. In class, we've talked a little bit about how bad in the debt has become. In the eyes of the Republicans, Obama's healthcare plan is just going to add on the the debt, and ruin the country, not make anything better, and that's what this cartoon depicts. 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

GOP Conversions

This cartoon is most likely liberal since it's mocking the GOP. The cartoon is an allusion to Paul's conversion on the Damascus Road, and this cartoon has a caption that says, "The conversion on the road to 2014." In a bright ball of light, it says 58% support for gay marriage with a man dressed in a suit that says "GOP Pols" yelling "Hallelujah!" and dropping a sheet of paper that says, "Moral Opposition." We've been talking about how the GOP needs to readjust it's views in order to win seats come 2014. Supporting gay marriage would be one of the biggest things for the GOP, and would bring up polls. 

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Fracking Dems

In this conservative cartoon, the Democrats' views on fracking are being mocked. In the cartoon, a woman, "tax payer", is reading a news paper which reads, "Dems not opposed to all forms of fracking." To her right, two donkeys dressed in construction gear are telling someone controlling a drill to go a little to the left into the woman's purse. This doesn't really relate the anything that we've been talking about in class. However, it is interesting that although the Democrats stress how they don't want the middle class to pay much with taxes; they aren't all that opposed to fracking, and really do want the money, and they just pretend that they don't. 

Friday, March 15, 2013

Big Gulp Freedom

Political Cartoons by Eric Allie
This conservative cartoon by Eric Allie is titled, "Big Gulp Freedom". In the cartoon, a man holding a big soda cup is attached to puppet strings which are controlled by a man whose buttons say on them, "Big Gov".  The word freedom is written, as if the man were saying it. The message that the cartoon portrays is that although we may feel that we're free and independent, our lives are controlled by the puppet strings of big government. This is clearly referring to the regulations that the Democratic Party is always trying to put on everyone and everything. We've talked in class about regulation, and differences in ideology. That's exactly what the cartoon refers to. The Democrats want to have centralized control on everything, from healthcare to how we drink soft drinks. Are we really free under these conditions? Not at all. We're just the puppets controlled by the strings of Big Government. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Dow and Unemployment

Political Cartoons by Larry Wright
This conservative cartoon by Larry Wright is titled "Big Dow Jones". In the cartoon, a man is holding a newspaper and says, "Wow! The Dow Jones has gone well over 14,000! All I need now is a job..." The message that is sent through this cartoon is that regardless of how high the Dow gets, or the stock market goes; Americans are still going to be unemployed. The stock market is not going to change the reality of thousands of Americans across the country. This article does not really discuss anything that we have talked about during class. However, I personally thought it was quite interesting how this cartoon depicted how so many Americans would react news like the one mentioned in the cartoon. 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Legalities and Illegalities of the Presidency

     The conservative cartoon by Dan Wasserman is titled, "Obama justifies drone killings" and that's because that's exactly what the message of the cartoon is. In the cartoon, President Obama is in the Oval Office, reading a newspaper with the words "Drone Assassinations" written on it. In the office, there's a portrait of former President Nixon saying, "If the president does it, that means it's not illegal." and President Obama responds saying, "What he said.". In the media lately, Obama and his drones have been blown up like no other. The irony of this cartoon is that Obama and his drones are basically being compared to Nixon and Watergate. We've talked in class about how the media spins things into different viewpoints, and that's what the conservatives are doing. They're making Obama look like a bad guy, and saying that he doesn't care. That's what's expressed by his nonchalant posture in the cartoon.