Sunday, February 24, 2013

Obese Budgets

     This political cartoon by Henry Payne is titled "Obamas fight obesity", mainly because it criticizes how the Obamas are fighting obesity, while the federal budget is so huge, and they do nothing about it, and is most likely from a conservative standpoint. The cartoon pictures Barack and Michelle Obama, as well as an "obese" man with the words "Federal Budget" written on him. These symbolize a growing federal budget that's continuously being fed (as symbolized by the ice cream and soda). It looks as though President Obama is patting the budget on the back while saying, "Michelle and I are committed to fighting obesity... in children." while the budget is still eating. This is related to what we've talked about in class because we previously discussed how the media can use things that people say, and turn them around into something else that could be taken a totally different way. That's exactly what this cartoon does. It's ironic how the Obamas are putting more into childhood obesity than the Federal Budget though, one would think that with the upcoming sequesters and such, the budget would matter more. 

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